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If your client is not starting (missing dlls), you need to download and install this package: vc_redist.x86.exe
Update - Warzone III & New Slots
5 July 2024
Warriors of Castabra, prepare yourselves for the latest update that brings a wealth of fresh content, full of challenges and unique items to the game! The summer update introduces exciting new elements such as Warzone III, new inventory slots, and items you won't find anywhere else. Forge your own path and prove your might!

Warzone III

Welcome to the new Warzone III, which has appeared alongside Warzone I and Warzone II. Here you will find a new dungeon with a challenging boss and an atmospheric location shrouded in thick fog. Remember to stay vigilant and not be deceived by the limited visibility. Only the bravest will survive in this mysterious land.

New Inventory Slots

Expand your inventory with new slots for gloves and belts. Each of these items has been carefully designed to fit existing sets and offer a variety of bonuses. With them, your character's development will become more diverse and personalized, allowing for even deeper customization to match your playstyle.

Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the new features brought by the summer update. Prepare for new challenges, acquire unique items, and show who truly rules in Castabra!

25 April 2024
Despite numerous arsons and devastation of human settlements, it was believed that dragons had to be revered. The local tribes of the sacred southern island made sacrifices from the oldest residents of the village. The tribe from the Peninsula even built the largest temple for dragons trying to gain their favor. All of this was in vain. The settlements were regularly raided and destroyed by enraged dragons without apparent reason.

The wild beasts of the island, where the last will of the creator goddess of the sacred island, Goddess Tibiasula, still lives, seeing this situation, decided to assist those desiring to live in peace. A territorial war broke out in the area of the temple. The largest alliance in history of nature's beasts faced the cruel dragons. With a vast numerical advantage, the Medusas and serpent spawns, supported by wild hydras and giant spiders, won a brutally fierce war. They killed the oldest dragon lord, taking over his most precious treasure.
The forces of nature forced the terrified dragons to flee, who in despair after losing their leader, destroyed everything in their path, leaving no human settlement standing. The dragons fled to the nearby mountains, which they are afraid to leave to this day. Sometimes in these areas, we can meet local nomads who know the old legends that are still passed down from generation to generation. Among the stories, one question often arises: Could the mentioned treasure of the dragon king really exist?

- Added new quest for Dragon Scale Mail:,17,position,32389,33082,11

Powerful warlock magicians, after a long and arduous development of new magical scripts, have traveled with a small detachment accompanied by demons to the outskirts of Edron. From there, they plan to use their newly crafted spells against the Edron Mage Academy, intending to test the limits of their sorcery and possibly seize control of the mystical institution.

- Added new spawn with Warlocks on Edron:,16,position,33338,31686,11

Changes are going to be applied with server save of 26 April!

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

The Orc Faction has come!
24 April 2024
For a long time, in the areas of the World of Castabra, the Factions had bloody disputes with each other. Former alliances ceased to matter, and the words given by the parties ceased to be valuable. Age-old but extinct conflicts flared up again. Taking advantage of the confusion, the ugly creatures sensed the moment when they could become the power they always wanted to be, they had been in the shadows for a long time, watching the events, but the time for action had come. The brutal and untamed Orcs, under the command of the Orc King and his warlords who advised him, built their fortress in the swamps near the Holy City of Ab'Dendriel, which had belonged to the Elven clan for many, many years. The orcs have holed up behind the high walls of the fortress, producing more brothers ready to move for the glory of the race. They armed themselves and trained in battle so that in the near future they could take over the world, taking and using all who tried to oppose them.

Quest Spoiler:

At a time when the city of Carlin was freed from the bonds of Thais, the brave Bella Bonecrusher gathered the bravest women under her command and together they created the Amazon Clan. Strong and independent women decided to close ranks to oppose the approaching danger. Until recently, their hiding place was shrouded in mystery, and it's all because the women, trained to survive in the most difficult conditions, attacked by surprise, leaving no traces. They were perfect hunters, so they knew their trade, and due to the hatred they felt for their enemies, they did not want to give them an advantage.

Until a group of orcs patrolling the area near the fortress noticed a moving caravan of a group of women. This group turned out to be a branch of the Amazons. Unfortunately, they were carrying a mysterious, legendary, precious treasure. The orcs, seeing the opportunity, did not wait a moment, but immediately rushed to the attack. Their goal was simple: track down, find, annihilate. After a hard and bloody battle, the scouts surrendered WOMEN and took over a unique treasure that contained the legendary Amazon Set, which was to be transported to the Amazon Vault. The orcs in glory and glory returned with him to the camp.

Since then, all the Amazons, led by Bella Bonecrusher, have sworn revenge on the Orcs. They promised that regardless of the losses incurred and the energy put into this goal, they would succeed and defeat the forces of green plunderers. However, the Orc forces were so powerful that the Amazons had no chance against the overwhelming numbers of the Orcs. When the case seemed to be lost, it turned out that the brave women were not left alone in the fight. The Elves, the eternal enemies of the Orcs, could prove helpful, they had enough strength to face the Orcs, but the Orc Fortess seemed impregnable.

But who would have thought that...
...the clever Bella Bonecrusher has made her way inside the Orc Fortress and has stolen the keep's secret blueprints. She kept that map tucked away in the Amazon Camp safe vault along with her other most valuable loot. The King of the Orcs has sent a message to the world about a reward for a daredevil who will help in recovering the stolen plans before they fall into the possession of the Elves. And as the treasure is precious, the reward for the help will be equally precious. This is how this fantastic adventure begins.

The update will come on Wednesday after server save!

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

New world - Legacy!
9 April 2024
The planned start of the Legacy, the new world of Castabra will take place on 19 April 2024 at 16:00 BRT (21:00 CEST).

For many years, we have been at the forefront of server hosting for the EU community, priding ourselves on our adaptability and responsiveness to feedback. The journey through Castabra's evolution has been enlightening, particularly with the bold introduction of a built-in bot, including a cavebot feature, in its initial iterations. This move was initially met with skepticism, diverging significantly from our traditional operations. However, this experience has been invaluable, allowing us to distill key insights and craft an even more captivating world in this third edition of Castabra.

We understand that the global gaming community cherishes our games, yet time constraints are increasingly a factor for many. With this in mind, and after thorough review of Castabra's past iterations, we have achieved an optimal balance that we are excited to share. In this latest edition, we fully embrace the utility of a clean, built-in cavebot, enhancing the gaming experience for those with limited time. Simultaneously, we have taken a decisive stance on PvP interactions by strictly limiting bot functionalities in these scenarios.

This evolution represents our commitment to listening and adapting, ensuring Castabra remains a dynamic and engaging world that resonates with our diverse and passionate community. We are eager for you to experience the enhancements we have made, confident they will enrich your adventures in Castabra like never before.

There is NO PZ on boats or carpets
PVP enforced (the same as Castabra previous worlds)
Anti noob char system for War
Exori Vis is following target
Shared exp bonus for each different vocation in your party (a maximum of 60% extra for all 4 vocations)
Tasks will be for Money only, no EXP tasks
Frag system (please see Server information)
No overpowered custom spawns
No overpowered custom items

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Legacy world has been structured and designed to meet the current player requirements and all in all give back to the community something you have all been waiting for.

Experience Stages
From LevelTo LevelMultiplier

Skill Stages
From Skill LevelTo Skill LevelMultiplier
Magic Rate:3x
Loot Rate:4x
This server has all the ingredients to be a long term success, whilst offering the most exciting experiences every single day. Prepare your friends, prepare your teams as we look forward to this phenomenal adventure!

Double Bestiary weekend!
20 October 2023
Greetings, brave adventurers!

We're thrilled to announce an exciting event that's sure to get your hearts pounding and your weapons swinging. Get ready for the Double Bestiary weekend, taking place between October 21st and 23rd! This is your chance to embark on a thrilling journey to complete your bestiary entries and earn extra experience points.

During the Double Bestiary weekend, every completed bestiary entry will yield even greater rewards. After you've successfully filled out the bestiary for specific creatures, you'll enjoy a substantial experience boost when hunting them down. This means that the more creatures you document in your bestiary, the more experience you'll earn when you face them in battle.

To make the most of this event, gather your party, sharpen your weapons, and stock up on supplies. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a greenhorn explorer, this weekend promises an adrenaline-pumping adventure like no other.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to become a true master of the wilderness. The creatures of the realm await your challenge, and with their defeat, you'll earn not only glory but also precious experience points.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates and event announcements on our website and forums. The world of Vitality is teeming with mysteries and challenges, and we can't wait to see you rise to meet them!

Slay, document, and conquer, brave Castabrans!

The Enigmatic Cursed Chests
14 October 2023
We would like to thank all players who have joined us here on Castabra. This unique server had managed to get 1700 players and we have hugely enjoyed seeing the start of everyone’s journey in this project.

Greetings, brave souls of Castabra! As we pledged from the onset, with today's server update, the legendary Cursed Chests have manifested across our expansive world. While embarking on your adventures, keep an eye out for these mysterious chests. Stumble upon one, and you'll be presented with a choice – to unveil a portal to a thrilling challenge arena!

Within this arena, you'll face multiple waves of ferocious monsters. Remember, commitment is key – once you enter, only victory or defeat will set you free. Triumph against these beasts, and the Cursed Chest will unlock, revealing its coveted treasures. Once you've secured your spoils, rest assured, you'll be safely transported back to your original location.

Here's a sneak peek of the challenges and treasures that await:

Tier I Challenge:

Monsters: bonebeast, demon skeleton, crypt shambler, necromancer, mummy, vampire, frost giant, barbarian skullhunter, barbarian headsplitter, barbarian brutetamer, barbarian bloodwalker, mammoth, acolyte of the cult, elder beholder, stone golem, fire devil, pirate skeleton
Possible Loot: noble armor, knights legs, dragon shield, knight axe, 2x bear paw, 2x wolf paw, 2x chicken feather, 2x brown piece of cloth, 2x white piece of cloth, might ring, bronze emblem

Tier II Challenge:

Monsters: ancient scarab, lich, elder beholder, necromancer, demon skeleton, dragon, crystal spider, frost giant, enlightened of the cult, nightmare, acolyte of the cult, adept of the cult, demon skeleton
Possible Loot: knight armor, crown legs, medusa shield, warrior helmet, fire sword, 2x iron ore, 2x honeycomb, 2x hardened bone, 2x yellow piece of cloth, stone skin amulet, might ring, minor token, bronze emblem

Tier III Challenge:

Monsters: terrible nightmare, dragon lord, demon outcast, destroyer, frost dragon, spectre, plaguesmith, hellspawn, bonedemon
Possible Loot: golden armor, crown legs, vampire shield, crusader helmet, giant sword, 2x ape fur, 2x holy orchid, 2x vampire dust, 2x blue piece of cloth, stone skin amulet, might ring, minor token, bronze emblem, silver emblem

Tier IV Challenge:

Monsters: behemoth, fury, warlock, freezemoth, dark torturer, hellhound, hellfire fighter, demon
Possible Loot: demon shield, royal helmet, hammer of wrath, golden legs, dragon scale mail, 2x fish fin, 2x demon dust, 2x green piece of cloth, 2x red piece of cloth, 2x behemoth claw, 2x demonic essence, stone skin amulet, might ring, major token, silver emblem, golden emblem

Brace yourselves for the adventure of a lifetime, champions! Seize the opportunity, confront the challenges, and claim the treasures that await!

Unfortunately, the Cursed Chest system has lagging the server and we had to revert the changes till 15 October!

Since the start we were updating the server - implementing minor and major fixes aswell as small updates, here is the list of things we did:

Added possibility to sell Focus Cape to Alesar
Added possibility to sell Composite Hornbow to Rashid
Added possibility to sell Wyrm Scale to Fiona
Added Wyrm task
Added Grim Reaper task
Added Scarab task
Added Larva task
Added Vampire Bride task
Fixed client crash issues while boosted creature appear on screen
Fixed client shaders issues
Fixed Bestiary so it's adding proper count to all party members, working exactly same as tasks
Pushed all server files into our new engine, which works properly in all of the aspects
Updated minimap in client
Updated Calendar with tasks
Added Cursed Chest tracking module

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

New world - Vitality!
1 October 2023
The planned start of the Vitality, the second world of Castabra will take place on 10 October 2023 at 17:00 BRT (22:00 CEST).

Over the past several months, we've been diligently working on Castabra focusing on its content and pushing the boundaries of innovation. In the upcoming edition, you can expect a plenty of enhancements and groundbreaking game aspects. Our team has been dedicated to ensuring that Vitality world offers a unique and refreshing experience, blending traditional gameplay elements with new and inventive features. We are confident that these updates will captivate our community and set a new standard for what's possible in the game.

Castabra is dedicated to players from all around the world. Thanks to our advanced network infrastructure, it doesn't matter where you're located, as you'll always have low ping and smooth gameplay. We have proven this in the last two editions of our server.

Daily Bosses

We have identified the need for in game content at all stages of the game and so we have developed 6 unique Daily Bosses! You can see below the different stages of difficulty;

Blaze the Havoc - Level requirement: 80+
Endless Frozen Eye - Level requirement: 100+
Eye of Destruction - Level requirement: 100+
Ophaniel the Undefeated - Level requirement: 130+
Ar'gazoth - Level requirement: 150+
Astaroth - Level requirement: 180+

There will be a dedicated locations where up to 5 players can enter and face a Boss with an opportunity to loot several prizes including our next huge update, Emblems. This feature enables you to kill up to 6 bosses (one from each difficulty) every 20 hours if your team is strong enough to defeat them all!


To further extend gameplay we have prepared a new system called The Forge. There will be three types of Emblems - Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each Emblem will give you the chance to upgrade a selected piece of equipment from +1 to +7.

Bronze Emblem - using a Bronze Emblem will enable you to upgrade from 0 to +3
Silver Emblem - using a Silver Emblem will enable you to upgrade from +3 to +5
Golden Emblem - using a Golden Emblem will enable you to upgrade from +5 to +7

To upgrade your selected equipment simply use your Emblem on the item.

Each Emblem can be used once giving you a maximum of +1 each time. You must keep your fingers crossed when using your Emblems at The Forge as sometimes your Emblem will fail to upgrade your equipment and as a result your item can be downgraded by 1! But don't worry, you will never lose your selected equipment. If you wish to give your item some extra protection you can find a Downgrade Protector from the in game store - this only protects you for 5 Forge attempts!

In addition to increasing equipment statistics, each item on level +7 gives +4% extra damage from spells!

You will also be able to convert your Bronze Emblems to Silver Emblem and Silver to Gold using The Forge Machine that will be located in +1 Thais Temple. Simply use the machine and add 3 of the same type of Emblem and click the Forge button.

This system has been expertly calculated and we can ensure maximum balance to your gameplay meaning absolutely no overpowered new custom items but a brilliantly manufactured upgrade system. The team have submitted hundreds of hours testing and we have refined this precise new feature to perfection.

Cursed Chests

We have developed a system that generates Cursed Chests at random locations within the game. When you encounter one of these chests, you'll have the option to open it, revealing a teleportation portal. Upon entering this portal, you will be teleported to a challenge arena where you'll confront several waves of monsters. It's crucial to note that once you step into this arena, there's no turning back until you either defeat all the monster waves or meet your demise. Should you successfully overcome the challenges, you'll be granted access to unlock the Cursed Chest and claim its bountiful rewards. After securing your prizes, the system will then teleport you back to the location from which you initially entered.

To give some clarity on the burning questions we know both our EU community and BR/USA community will have, we would like to inform everybody of a few hot topics about the server:

There is NO PZ on boats or carpets
PVP enforced (the same as Castabra previous worlds)
Anti noob char system for War
Exori Vis is following target
Shared exp bonus for each different vocation in your party (a maximum of 60% extra for all 4 vocations)
Tasks will be for Money only, no EXP tasks
Frag system (please see Server information)
No overpowered custom spawns
No overpowered custom items

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Vitality world has been structured and designed to meet the current player requirements and all in all give back to the community something you have all been waiting for.

Experience Stages
From LevelTo LevelMultiplier

Skill Stages
From Skill LevelTo Skill LevelMultiplier
Magic Rate:3x
Loot Rate:2x
This server has all the ingredients to be a long term success, whilst offering the most exciting experiences every single day. Prepare your friends, prepare your teams as we look forward to this phenomenal adventure!

Update & Boost weekend!
12 May 2023
Fellow Castabrans, it's been a while since last interesting update, however it doesn't mean we stopped or were not working on improving our server. During the last week, we were hard-working on game updates as long as minor or major bug fixes which we would love to share with you now.

Boost event
Are you looking for an opportunity to level up and improve your skills? A 40% extra XP and 30% extra loot weekend is coming! So sharpen your weapons and stock up your potions, a weekend full of excessive monster slaughtering is waiting for you!

Between the server saves of May 12 and May 15, all monsters will yield of 40% more the usual amount of experience points, and loot from creatures will be increased by 30%.


Information: Bestiary is going to be enabled in game on 13rd May after server save.

The Bestiary serves as your character's repository of accumulated knowledge concerning the creatures of Tibia, categorized under various classes. Initially, these creatures, along with their classes, will be represented as silhouettes. The details about these creatures are unlocked and filled into their respective Bestiary entries through interaction.

To reveal an entry, the creature it pertains to must be defeated. The first defeat will inaugurate the entry, unmasking the creature's name, sprite, and the level of difficulty it presents. A counter tracking your kills will indicate the number of defeats necessary to uncover additional information.

To fully flesh out a creature's entry, you have to progress through three stages of detail. Stage one uncovers fundamental information such as hitpoints, speed, armor, typical loot items and a 5% increase in the experience gained from the creature. Stage two permits visibility of less common loot items, the creature's resistances, and provides a 10% boost in experience gained from the creature. When you've defeated a sufficient number of creatures to unlock the final stage, the semi-rare and rare loot items become visible, and the experience gained from the creature surges by 15%.

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Quick patch!
10 May 2023
Due to lot of requests we did another quick patch with implementing Prison and Deeper Banuta into Castabra!

The entrance to that spawn is located here:,16,position,32656,32380,7

Additionaly, lot of you were asking and expecting us to implement experience tasks - with today's server save we have added 76 experience tasks into Task Manager Module. Please remember to restart and update your client, otherwise you will not be able to see these tasks in module!

Quick patch!
6 May 2023
Due to lot of requests we did a quick patch with implementing Freezemoths under Formorgar Mines

The entrance to that spawn is located here:,16,position,32053,31169,12

4 May 2023
We are thrilled to announce that significant changes and enhancements will be implemented during today's server save.

Many of you been asking for a Spirit Fields which we have added to our other server. We finally decided to implement this, so you can get even nicer wars between guilds or more hardcore hunts on that map. For these who don't know what is Spirit Fields - it's a place on which you are not getting any frags, it's a PVP-E island on which everyone may kill anyone without punishment. However, due to there is no PZ on that map, we decided to keep PZ on the boats, so you can regroup your team safe on that place.

You will be able to travel here by saying Spirit Fields to boat NPC - from Thais to the north boat on the map, from Port Hope to the jungle boat on the west and from Ankrahmun to the Desert side on the east. Once you are at the war map you can also travel to each boat quickly E.G just say hi, west, yes to get to jungle boat, hi, east, yes to get to desert boat, hi, center, yes to get to center place, hi, north, yes to get to north place.

Remember the important things:

1. You will get a skull on attack target but you will not get any unjustified frags when killing players in this location.
2. You can travel here by 4 boats – Thais, Ankrahmun, Port Hope and Svargrond.
3. If you in warmode with your victim, you will get EXP as normal.
5. You can buy supplies here and also there is a Bank.
6. Exp / skill loss is same as normal.
7. Aol / bless loss is same as normal.

Since the start, we were reading your ideas and reviewing the gameplay at all. Most of you were asking about teamhunts improvements or even solo hunts for Druid/Paladins. Together with the whole support, we were talking about what can we do to make it more funnier, and we decided to improve/implement few things:

- Improved party shared bonus for full team (4 vocations) to 100%
- Avalanche's for druids - these can be only conjured by druids and cannot be bought from any magic shop. Only druids are able to use that runes aswell [adori gran frigo].
- Druid's UE [exevo gran mas pox] from now will deal 70% damage of mage's UE
- Infernal Arrow's for paladins - this ammunition will work very well on teamhunts and can be bought from Williard in Edron.

With this update, you can also expect new spawns:

- Brutuses - can be found there:,16,position,32648,31997,13
- Chaos Hydras - can be found on Spirit Field's map [jungle one]
- Cursed Mummies - can be found on Spirit Field's map [desert one]

We have also fixed some minor bugs:

- fixed pz bug on Eclipse
- added missing items to the Market
- you may travel to Fenrock with PZ now

Additionaly, from now you can see Warzones scores on the webpage in Highscores section.

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

New world - Exility!
7 April 2023
The planned start of the Exility, the second world of Castabra will take place on 25 April 2023 at 17:00 BRT (22:00 CET).

We are thrilled to announce that we have been working tirelessly over the last few months to enhance our game engine, ensuring an even more immersive and engaging gameplay experience for all our players. Our team of programmers has been working hard to introduce numerous new features and improvements that will elevate your gameplay to new heights.

With the upcoming world of Exility, we have prepared a host of exciting changes that are guaranteed to make your gaming experience even more thrilling and enjoyable. However, for safety reasons, we will be gradually introducing everything we have prepared for you over the last few months in our server updates. We want to ensure that nothing surprises you or us.

Castabra is dedicated to players from all around the world. Thanks to our advanced network infrastructure, it doesn't matter where you're located, as you'll always have low ping and smooth gameplay. We have proven this in the last two editions of our server.

To give some clarity on the burning questions we know both our EU community and BR/USA community will have, we would like to inform everybody of a few hot topics about the server:

There is NO PZ on boats or carpets
PVP enforced (the same as Castabra previous worlds)
Anti noob char system for War
Exori Vis is following target
Shared exp bonus for each different vocation in your party (a maximum of 60% extra for all 4 vocations)
Tasks will be for Money only, no EXP tasks
Frag system (please see Server information)
No overpowered custom spawns
No overpowered custom items

Additionaly, many of you are asking about the vocations balance. It'll be mostly Kasteria balance, however with some nice additions that should improve the game:

Improved burst arrows for mages. Mages from now can use these to fight against others, the power of bursts is compared to 7.92 version.
Improved Explosion rune which makes it useable again for each vocation - even Knights.
Wild Growth rune for Druids. Druids from now can shot Wild Growths from far.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Exility world has been structured and designed to meet the current player requirements and all in all give back to the community something you have all been waiting for.

Experience Stages
From LevelTo LevelMultiplier

Skill Stages
From Skill LevelTo Skill LevelMultiplier
Magic Rate:3x
Loot Rate:2x
This server has all the ingredients to be a long term success, whilst offering the most exciting experiences every single day. Prepare your friends, prepare your teams as we look forward to this phenomenal adventure!

Worlds merge!
9 December 2022
Castabrans, it is time for server merge!

On December 10, 2022 world Infinity will be merged into the world Lucidity. Due to this game worlds are going to be closed at server save time and should be back up to one hour.

What does the upcoming merger mean for the affected game world?

Players from Infinity world are going to lost their houses, all items that are inside are going to be transfered to their depots.

Please keep in mind that it is necessary to merge these worlds to have one stable server which is supposed to stay for a long time.

Get Ready!

7 December 2022
We are excited to announce that our game engine has been improved to provide even smoother and more efficient performance.

In addition to the improved performance, the updated game engine will make it easier for us to continue developing new scripts and features for the game. This means that players can look forward to even more exciting content in the future. However, as with any new technology, there may be unexpected issues that arise.

We have put a lot of effort into carefully writing and testing the new code, but as we are only human, there is always a chance that something could go wrong. That's why we ask that all players please exercise caution while playing today. If you encounter any bugs or issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team on our Discord so we can quickly address them and get you back to enjoying the game.

We are always working to improve our game and provide the best possible experience for our players. We are confident that these changes will enhance the overall enjoyment of our game, and we hope that our players will continue to support us as we continue to improve and expand.

Thank you for choosing Castabra, and happy gaming!

50% extra XP and skill weekend
26 November 2022
Are you looking for an opportunity to level up and improve your skills? A 50% extra XP and 50% extra skill weekend is coming! So sharpen your weapons and stock up your potions, a weekend full of excessive monster slaughtering is waiting for you!

Between the server saves of November 27 and November 28, all monsters will yield of 50% more the usual amount of experience points, and your skill training, including magic level, will advance by 50% faster.

22 November 2022
With today's server save we have implemented very first version of an ANTI-PVP INTRUDER system and we want to warn you - that the system is not as perfect as we want it to be, however many of you were asking for such a thing and there was not enough time to prepare anything better - but, you can be sure that system will be definitely improved.

The player who completes the requirements below, will be able to kill characters that have 50% or less of their level without punishments for both sides.


The player must be a member of a guild.
The player must have 6 or more members of the same guild on the screen.
The player and the guild members must be level equal or more than 50.


The player must not have any Skull.
The player who is being protected by the system, will not lose experience or level in case of death in the conditions above. The Character will only be teleported to the temple.

ATTENTION: Players who abuse of the new system by killing weaker players just for fun will have their account banned for 7 days.

19 November 2022
With today's server save we have been implemented:

New spawn with Skeleton Warriors,16,position,32559,31647,13
New spawn with Terrible Nightmares,16,position,33027,32309,9
New Spawn with Heroes,16,position,32463,31835,7
Added missing items on the market
Added new tasks: terrible nightmares, demon outcast, medusa, skeleton warrior
NPC Chailer after completing the Orcs Faction will from now buy all of addon items for 10% more of their regular prices and all types of gems
Manafluids are now properly counted in Loot Statistics
Removed ability to turn into a custom creatures using Creature Illusion spell

Additonaly as you can already see above, we have launched web map view on Castabra. Aswell as minimap in-game client has been updated.

The Factions!
14 November 2022
For a long time, in the areas of the World of Castabra, the Factions had bloody disputes with each other. Former alliances ceased to matter, and the words given by the parties ceased to be valuable. Age-old but extinct conflicts flared up again. Taking advantage of the confusion, the ugly creatures sensed the moment when they could become the power they always wanted to be, they had been in the shadows for a long time, watching the events, but the time for action had come. The brutal and untamed Orcs, under the command of the Orc King and his warlords who advised him, built their fortress in the swamps near the Holy City of Ab'Dendriel, which had belonged to the Elven clan for many, many years. The orcs have holed up behind the high walls of the fortress, producing more brothers ready to move for the glory of the race. They armed themselves and trained in battle so that in the near future they could take over the world, taking and using all who tried to oppose them.

Quest Spoiler:

At a time when the city of Carlin was freed from the bonds of Thais, the brave Bella Bonecrusher gathered the bravest women under her command and together they created the Amazon Clan. Strong and independent women decided to close ranks to oppose the approaching danger. Until recently, their hiding place was shrouded in mystery, and it's all because the women, trained to survive in the most difficult conditions, attacked by surprise, leaving no traces. They were perfect hunters, so they knew their trade, and due to the hatred they felt for their enemies, they did not want to give them an advantage.

Until a group of orcs patrolling the area near the fortress noticed a moving caravan of a group of women. This group turned out to be a branch of the Amazons. Unfortunately, they were carrying a mysterious, legendary, precious treasure. The orcs, seeing the opportunity, did not wait a moment, but immediately rushed to the attack. Their goal was simple: track down, find, annihilate. After a hard and bloody battle, the scouts surrendered WOMEN and took over a unique treasure that contained the legendary Amazon Set, which was to be transported to the Amazon Vault. The orcs in glory and glory returned with him to the camp.

Since then, all the Amazons, led by Bella Bonecrusher, have sworn revenge on the Orcs. They promised that regardless of the losses incurred and the energy put into this goal, they would succeed and defeat the forces of green plunderers. However, the Orc forces were so powerful that the Amazons had no chance against the overwhelming numbers of the Orcs. When the case seemed to be lost, it turned out that the brave women were not left alone in the fight. The Elves, the eternal enemies of the Orcs, could prove helpful, they had enough strength to face the Orcs, but the Orc Fortess seemed impregnable.

But who would have thought that...
...the clever Bella Bonecrusher has made her way inside the Orc Fortress and has stolen the keep's secret blueprints. She kept that map tucked away in the Amazon Camp safe vault along with her other most valuable loot. The King of the Orcs has sent a message to the world about a reward for a daredevil who will help in recovering the stolen plans before they fall into the possession of the Elves. And as the treasure is precious, the reward for the help will be equally precious. This is how this fantastic adventure begins.

The update will come on Wednesday after server save!

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

6 November 2022
We would like to thank all players who have joined us here on Castabra. This unique server had managed to get 1000 players and we have hugely enjoyed seeing the start of everyone’s journey in this project.

Since the very beginning we have managed to respond to 100’s of reports, suggestions and received incredible feedback from players. Your thoughts are extremely important to us as we navigate through the opening stages of the server. The team has worked around the clock to ensure our response time has been fast.

As always we have been working extremely hard and want to share the most recent changes with you below;

added friendlist to the client bot
corrected shader on powerful creatures
added raid schedule list for current month, which you can check using Calendar module in-game
added new tasks: cursed mummies and new orcs
function 'Hide Party Members' in battle window from now hides also guild members
added smart walking to the client options (Options -> Keyboard -> Smart Walking)

We are always working on the next development of the server and taking a very detailed strategy when deciding what the next update should be. We will continue to strive for perfection in every possible way so keep sending us your feedback as this is what helps us platform the perfect server for you, our players.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

25 October 2022
The planned start of the Lucidity, the second world of Castabra will take place on 3 November 2022 at 18:00 BRT (22:00 CET).

First of all we would like to express our greatest appreciation to our players of Castabra - we have been overwhelmed by the support and feedback from the community. Castabra has been a huge success since starting and this is down to the community and the hard work of our team. Whilst Castabra has been running we are always considering how to continue perfecting your playing experience, and we are extremely excited to show you the developments in the new world, Lucidity.

The Castabra project was launched to connect with a new community for us, the BR/USA community. When we first launched we sat around 100-150 players and in such a short space of time the server grew rapidly day by day, and within 4-5 weeks there was a stable 600+ players online. Having 1,000+ players was never our goal, but to engage with a new community and produce a server everyone loved and enjoyed was top of the list.

We must express our huge gratitude to the Administrator of Old Tibia Fanpage and his support network, for without their leadership, ideas and strategies, we would not be here announcing this incredible project today.

With Castabra's success we have also concentrated our efforts on developing a server that welcomes both our EU and BR/USA community. Through hours of meticulous testing we can now invite you to a unique server from which everyone can join - offering an incredible opportunity to merge two huge communities, on one impressive server.

Our goal for several years has been to perfect the infrastructure of our server enabling players from across the world to connect in one place. It may surprise you as we announce this today, but finally we can share our long term project. When you login to Castabra our infrastructure is automatically connecting you to several servers, optimizing the best possible connection and providing you with the most stable option. We are now able to share the astounding result of our long journey with you, offering the first ever server where you can connect from anywhere in the world!

The hard work has been done, we ask you to join us and enjoy it for yourself!

Although at first we were sceptical, our new partners at Old Tibia Fanpage and the wonderful BR/USA community have opened our eyes to a new way of playing. We have been hosting servers for the EU community for many many years and all the changes and suggestions made for Castabra were completely against our usual way of working! Adding a built in bot including cave bot, we thought this was crazy! It's because of this experience that we are able to find the conclusions we have today and refine an exciting new world to bring you.

Let's face it, our beautiful games community from across the world is appealing to a huge percentage of players slowly getting less time to play. Following Castabra and reviewing every single impact this implementation had we have established the perfect balance - keeping a totally clean Cave Bot and strictly removing all PVP bot functions.

This has not been a simple process, taking all feedback into consideration and ensuring the new system works perfectly, your game-play experience will now offer a solution for people with less time and include benefits for those who have more.

We accept that in the past, mistakes have been made and steep learning curves have been endured. One of the key points of pain was over powered spawns playing a large role in making servers unbalanced or perhaps.. favorable to certain people. This incredible new world will not host any of these broken spawns, having reconnected with the community on what is important and exploring successful options from the more original, beautiful part of the game.

To give some clarity on the burning questions we know both our EU community and BR/USA community will have, we would like to inform everybody of a few hot topics about the server:

There will be no Inquisition
There is no PZ on boats or carpets
PVP enforced (the same as Castabra Infinity)
Anti noob char system for War
Exori Vis is following target
Shared exp bonus for each different vocation in your party (a maximum of 60% extra for all 4 vocations)
Tasks will be for Money only, no EXP tasks
Frag system (please see Server information)
No overpowered custom spawns
No overpowered custom items

List of spawns for upcomming Castabra 8.0:

Necros above Chimeras
Bonedemons Edron
Chaos Hydras
Venom and Toxic Spiders
Brand-new orcs southern of Thais
Eyelords both spawns
Cursed Mummies Ankrahmun
Ankrahmun 60+ Tomb
Drefia Tomb

Additionaly, many of you are asking about the vocations balance. It'll be mostly Kasteria balance, however with some nice additions that should improve the game:

Improved burst arrows for mages. Mages from now can use these to fight against others, the power of bursts is compared to 7.92 version.
Improved Explosion rune which makes it useable again for each vocation - even Knights.
Wild Growth rune for Druids. Druids from now can shot Wild Growths from far.

We would like to invite you to our discord server, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Castabra has been structured and designed to meet the current player requirements and all in all give back to the community something you have all been waiting for.

Experience Stages
From LevelTo LevelMultiplier

Skill Stages
From Skill LevelTo Skill LevelMultiplier
Magic Rate:3x
Loot Rate:2x
This server has all the ingredients to be a long term success, whilst offering the most exciting experiences every single day. Prepare your friends, prepare your teams as we look forward to this phenomenal adventure!