Ascendancy world starts in:
General Information
Exp Rate stages
Skill Rate stages
Magic Rate 3x
Loot Rate 4x
Regeneration 2x
Premium Account Features More information here.
Promotion Price 20,000 Gold Coins
Blessings Blessings can be obtained by any player and reduces how much experience, magic level and skills you will lose in a death. Every blessing costs 10k (10.000 gp), and you can only obtain it when you dont already have that blessing. These blessings will be lost if you die. More information here.
Cast System More information here.
Cam System More information here.
Spells Conjured runes: 2x charges.
Frag System Frag time: 24 hours for free account players and 16 hours for premium account players.
Frags to redskull daily: 4
Frags to ban daily: 7
Red skull duration: 1 days
PVP Enforced - You will not gain experience from a player with same IP addres
- You will not gain experience from a player that is in party with you
- You will get experience from player if your level is lower than his level * 1.3 or higher than his level * 0.6
- Each time you kill same player you are gaining 10% less experience
- After killing 5 time same player you will not gain experience from him anymore till next server save
Commands !depot - takes first item on depot
!lootmessage - enable/disable loot message