Exp & Loot Event starts in:

19 July 10:00 CEST (5:00 BRT) - 22 July 10:00 CEST (5:00 BRT)
More monster experience & loot whole week long!... read here
Announcements - Updates!
GOD Neil on Legacy
120 Elder Druid
on 2022-10-02 23:47:06
It's been a month since Castabra has launched! It was hard-working month, but for such a fantastic community every hour is worth it!

With tommorow's server save, you will be able to see new client module - Calendar, which won't only shows current day or month, but much more! Calendar module has been created to show you upcomming Raids or even Events which are going to be hosted in the future on Castabra!

Tommorow aswell, you will be able to visit new place with brand new monsters so called Chimeras which with their friendly beasts Hellspawns might cause a lot of trouble for anyone who decide to face them, be carefull - they are not nice creatures, really. Chimeras can be found in deeper of Ghostland.

We are not forgotting also about newcommers and low-level characters – dedicated for you a new spawn of Necromancers in the route to Chimeras, you’ll definitely find it as a good place to level your character!

We have been receiving reports about actionbar issue, that sometimes might stuck your cursor while using it and you have to restart your client to get rid of it. We are glad to inform you that with tommorow's client update the issue will no longer bother you and everything should be work as supposed!

We would also like to invite you to our discord server https://discord.gg/4wPCNJ6, where you can talk with the entire support, propose your changes, conduct discussions and look for companions to play together!

Castabra Support.