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Nubeos Family

Nubeos Family logo
Bonuses are delivered to guild at server restart (7 AM).
War Bonuses page updates every 5 minutes.

War Bonuses


- Only players that joined guild before "bonus start" date receive bonus.
- Players that leave guild lose their bonus.

Active Bonuses
No bonuses yet.
History of bonuses
2022-11-14 11:00:00 2022-11-21 11:00:00 5% more experience NOT ACTIVE

War Bonuses Frags Calculation

Frags to get bonus: 200

Minimum level: 50

Maximum deaths per day per player: 4 (Days counter uses UTC time [London, England])

Frag CountDateStatus
178 2022-11-25 07:10:09 Kevin Forthewin at level 74 by Comander Galvansin and Comander Gap + FRAG!
177 2022-11-25 06:52:16 Kevin Forthewin at level 75 by Comander Galvansin + FRAG!
842 days ago
176 2022-11-19 05:21:32 Phezib Tavus at level 84 by Itachi Eyess + FRAG!
175 2022-11-19 05:19:03 Manowar Ek at level 126 by Itachi Eyess and Gaunter O'Dim + FRAG!
174 2022-11-19 05:17:03 Abdullah Bin Abbud at level 75 by Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
173 2022-11-19 05:10:50 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 75 by Phyro Flame and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
172 2022-11-19 05:03:05 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 77 by Gaunter O'Dim and Kirito Kun + FRAG!
171 2022-11-19 05:03:02 Hidden Paralyze at level 94 by La Chilindrina and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
170 2022-11-19 04:59:43 Victeron at level 75 by Cosala Playe'r Too many deaths of this player this day.
170 2022-11-19 04:59:42 Abdullah Bin Abbud at level 76 by Koreano + FRAG!
169 2022-11-19 04:50:56 Kurtius Tha Mastah at level 87 by Banana Republic and Phyro Flame + FRAG!
168 2022-11-19 04:49:25 Annenmaykantereit at level 98 by Cosala Playe'r and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
167 2022-11-19 04:47:25 Annenmaykantereit at level 99 by Banana Republic and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
166 2022-11-19 04:46:21 Victeron at level 77 by Gaunter O'Dim Too many deaths of this player this day.
166 2022-11-19 04:27:25 Victeron at level 78 by Banana Republic and Gaunter O'Dim + FRAG!
165 2022-11-19 03:51:40 Deca Uni Duni Te at level 99 by Hot-Jee + FRAG!
164 2022-11-19 03:50:30 Kurtius Tha Mastah at level 87 by Hot-Jee and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
163 2022-11-19 03:47:57 Victeron at level 79 by Russel and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
162 2022-11-19 03:46:02 Victeron at level 81 by Hot-Jee and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
161 2022-11-19 03:45:44 Deca Uni Duni Te at level 100 by Cheko Kodigo and Hot-Jee + FRAG!
160 2022-11-19 03:38:50 Kevin Forthewin at level 78 by Banana Republic and Hot-Jee + FRAG!
159 2022-11-19 03:34:13 Deca Uni Duni Te at level 101 by La Chilindrina + FRAG!
158 2022-11-19 03:30:53 Victeron at level 82 by Limpiame El Culo and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
157 2022-11-19 03:26:12 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 78 by Hot-Jee + FRAG!
848 days ago
156 2022-11-16 05:16:45 Yagolek at level 78 by Itachi Eyess + FRAG!
155 2022-11-16 05:12:07 Razvatche at level 77 by Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
154 2022-11-16 05:12:07 Abdullah Bin Abbud at level 73 by Shyto and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
153 2022-11-16 05:12:03 Druid Loko at level 82 by Cheko Kodigo and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
152 2022-11-16 05:10:12 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 90 by King Shupa and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
151 2022-11-16 05:09:05 Sheik Ianziin at level 99 by Rafkash and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
150 2022-11-16 05:08:51 Naviush Dbouchado at level 100 by King Shupa and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
149 2022-11-16 05:08:31 Xupacabra at level 84 by Netza Antrax + FRAG!
148 2022-11-16 05:08:21 Kaos Flautista at level 103 by Limpiame El Culo and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
147 2022-11-16 05:08:11 Yagolek at level 79 by Phyro Flame and Tic Tac + FRAG!
146 2022-11-16 04:55:32 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 91 by Shyto and Dark Mage Of Chaos + FRAG!
145 2022-11-16 04:48:25 Razvatche at level 79 by Rafkash and Cheko Kodigo + FRAG!
144 2022-11-16 04:46:57 Hidden Paralyze at level 100 by Kevink + FRAG!
143 2022-11-16 04:46:53 Druid Loko at level 82 by Hot-Jee and Peiin + FRAG!
142 2022-11-16 04:46:32 Manowar at level 91 by Malovita Belicon and Kevink + FRAG!
141 2022-11-16 04:45:40 Yagolek at level 79 by Tic Tac and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
140 2022-11-16 04:45:29 Phezib Tavus at level 82 by Tic Tac and Peiin + FRAG!
139 2022-11-16 04:45:13 Kamarada Tuka at level 102 by Rafkash and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
138 2022-11-16 04:43:59 Abdullah Bin Abbud at level 74 by Hot-Jee and Shyto + FRAG!
137 2022-11-16 04:43:15 Yagolek at level 80 by Paralize Star and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
136 2022-11-16 04:43:05 Druid Loko at level 83 by Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
851 days ago
135 2022-11-15 05:18:59 Dead Matarindo at level 90 by La Chilindrina and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
134 2022-11-15 05:18:53 Naandin Lendario at level 85 by Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
133 2022-11-15 04:58:50 Suricati at level 77 by Ticospeek and Thi + FRAG!
132 2022-11-15 04:58:05 Kurtius Tha Mastah at level 81 by Pdrzerah Fraco Deguerra + FRAG!
131 2022-11-15 04:57:15 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 82 by La Chilindrina and Ticospeek + FRAG!
130 2022-11-15 04:57:01 Wardog at level 82 by Thi + FRAG!
129 2022-11-15 04:55:20 Druid Loko at level 81 by Malovita Belicon and Pdrzerah Fraco Deguerra + FRAG!
128 2022-11-15 04:55:19 Sheik Ianziin at level 101 by Sunset Secret and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
127 2022-11-15 04:55:19 Kamarada Tuka at level 103 by Phyro Flame and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
126 2022-11-15 04:55:19 Yagolek at level 82 by Shyto and Sunset Secret + FRAG!
125 2022-11-15 04:55:19 Dead Matarindo at level 91 by King Shupa and Sunset Secret + FRAG!
124 2022-11-15 04:55:19 Hidden Paralyze at level 103 by La Chilindrina and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
123 2022-11-15 04:52:47 Vem Tranquilo at level 82 by Cheko Kodigo and Phyro Flame + FRAG!
122 2022-11-15 04:36:22 Vem Tranquilo at level 82 by Lemolelelele and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
121 2022-11-15 04:34:52 Fogoso at level 98 by Paralize Star and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
120 2022-11-15 04:34:21 Magraow at level 67 by Hot-Jee and Paralize Star + FRAG!
119 2022-11-15 04:34:20 Naandin Lendario at level 87 by Shyto and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
118 2022-11-15 04:33:23 Kamarada Tuka at level 104 by Malovita Belicon and Hot-Jee + FRAG!
117 2022-11-15 04:30:20 Suricati at level 78 by Malovita Belicon and Paralize Star + FRAG!
116 2022-11-15 04:28:52 Magraow at level 68 by Tic Tac and Pdrzerah Fraco Deguerra + FRAG!
115 2022-11-15 04:28:19 Yagolek at level 82 by Tic Tac + FRAG!
114 2022-11-15 04:28:14 Sonsinn at level 88 by La Chilindrina and Phyro Flame + FRAG!
113 2022-11-15 04:28:13 Fogoso at level 101 by Ticospeek and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
112 2022-11-15 04:28:07 Sheik Ianziin at level 102 by Lemolelelele and Thi + FRAG!
111 2022-11-15 04:28:02 Hidden Paralyze at level 104 by Sunset Secret and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
110 2022-11-15 04:26:21 Magraow at level 70 by King Shupa and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
109 2022-11-15 04:24:08 Magraow at level 71 by Sunset Secret and Phyro Flame + FRAG!
852 days ago
108 2022-11-14 06:23:55 Kamarada Tuka at level 104 by Shyto + FRAG!
107 2022-11-14 05:14:00 Vepe Ohz at level 103 by Thi and Cosala Playe'r + FRAG!
106 2022-11-14 05:11:19 Kurtius Tha Mastah at level 80 by Cosala Playe'r and Peiin + FRAG!
105 2022-11-14 05:11:11 Faz-o-L at level 77 by Cheko Kodigo and Tic Tac + FRAG!
104 2022-11-14 05:10:22 Mercy at level 93 by Kevink and Peiin + FRAG!
103 2022-11-14 04:52:18 Dead Matarindo at level 87 by Shyto and Cosala Playe'r + FRAG!
102 2022-11-14 04:50:44 Mercy at level 94 by Wachis On Twitch and Thi + FRAG!
101 2022-11-14 04:50:33 Manowar at level 91 by Cosala Playe'r and Kevink + FRAG!
100 2022-11-14 04:40:24 High Enough at level 91 by Pdrzerah Fraco Deguerra and Cosala Playe'r + FRAG!
99 2022-11-14 04:39:38 Yroif at level 116 by Pdrzerah Fraco Deguerra and Shyto + FRAG!
98 2022-11-14 04:39:30 Vepe Ohz at level 104 by Cosala Playe'r + FRAG!
97 2022-11-14 04:36:40 Dead Matarindo at level 88 by Cosala Playe'r and Ticospeek + FRAG!
96 2022-11-14 04:35:49 Vem Tranquilo at level 79 by Poderoso Chafasorc and Wachis On Twitch + FRAG!
95 2022-11-14 04:35:18 Wardog at level 81 by Netza Antrax and Wachis On Twitch + FRAG!
94 2022-11-14 04:00:56 Suricati at level 77 by Hot-Jee and Thi + FRAG!
93 2022-11-14 04:00:44 High Enough at level 92 by Metricas Frias and Shyto + FRAG!
92 2022-11-14 03:58:29 Yroif at level 116 by Poderoso Chafasorc + FRAG!
91 2022-11-14 03:57:58 Danks Teu Lider at level 79 by Netza Antrax and Kevink + FRAG!
90 2022-11-14 03:57:55 Vepe Ohz at level 105 by Thi + FRAG!
853 days ago
89 2022-11-13 03:57:27 Pollo Pekin at level 80 by Netza Antrax + FRAG!
88 2022-11-13 03:55:42 Vepe Ohz at level 100 by Malovita Belicon and Metricas Frias + FRAG!
87 2022-11-13 03:55:38 Naandin Lendario at level 81 by Rvssianmakxz and Thi + FRAG!
86 2022-11-13 03:54:53 Rasta Beck at level 89 by Kevink and Erpowa + FRAG!
85 2022-11-13 03:54:18 Wardog at level 84 by Lililililiilil and Kevink + FRAG!
84 2022-11-13 03:54:08 Manowar at level 85 by Malovita Belicon and Shyto + FRAG!
83 2022-11-13 03:53:59 Perrunox at level 76 by Erpowa + FRAG!
82 2022-11-13 03:53:40 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 80 by Comander Galvansin + FRAG!
81 2022-11-13 03:51:27 Faz-o-L at level 87 by Wachis On Twitch + FRAG!
80 2022-11-13 03:49:13 Mercy at level 94 by Limpiame El Culo and Phyro Flame + FRAG!
79 2022-11-13 03:46:04 Naandin Lendario at level 83 by Comander Galvansin and Thi + FRAG!
78 2022-11-13 03:45:06 Atypiical at level 114 by King Shupa + FRAG!
77 2022-11-13 03:45:03 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 73 by Malovita Belicon and Phyro Flame Too many deaths of this player this day.
77 2022-11-13 03:35:47 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 75 by Netza Antrax and Kevink + FRAG!
76 2022-11-13 03:30:56 Vepe Ohz at level 101 by Rvssianmakxz and King Shupa + FRAG!
75 2022-11-13 03:26:46 Rasta Beck at level 92 by Thi and Shyto + FRAG!
74 2022-11-13 02:26:20 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 76 by Netza Antrax and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
73 2022-11-13 02:26:03 Legend at level 83 by Erpowa and Metricas Frias + FRAG!
72 2022-11-13 02:25:51 Rasta Beck at level 93 by Metricas Frias and Koreano + FRAG!
71 2022-11-13 02:25:31 Atypiical at level 115 by Metricas Frias and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
70 2022-11-13 02:25:25 Manowar at level 86 by Kevink and La Muerte + FRAG!
69 2022-11-13 02:24:21 Suricati at level 74 by Thi and Malovita Belicon + FRAG!
68 2022-11-13 02:17:27 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 78 by Malovita Belicon and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
67 2022-11-13 02:10:45 Suricati at level 76 by Kevink and Koreano + FRAG!
66 2022-11-13 01:59:22 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 80 by Kevink + FRAG!
854 days ago
65 2022-11-12 07:00:41 Dead Matarindo at level 86 by Thi and Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
64 2022-11-12 06:30:24 Dgg at level 64 by Peiin and Thi Too many deaths of this player this day.
64 2022-11-12 06:29:33 Yroif at level 110 by Netza Antrax and Nilo + FRAG!
63 2022-11-12 06:23:47 Dgg at level 65 by Thi Too many deaths of this player this day.
63 2022-11-12 05:42:12 Dead Matarindo at level 88 by Netza Antrax and King Shupa + FRAG!
62 2022-11-12 05:41:40 Dgg at level 67 by Shyto and Netza Antrax Too many deaths of this player this day.
62 2022-11-12 05:41:13 Sheik Ianziin at level 98 by Volcom and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
61 2022-11-12 05:35:56 Manowar at level 83 by Peiin and La Chilindrina Too many deaths of this player this day.
61 2022-11-12 05:35:47 Mercy at level 91 by Thi and Comander Gap + FRAG!
60 2022-11-12 05:35:35 Tebandio at level 67 by Netza Antrax and Volcom + FRAG!
59 2022-11-12 05:34:45 Xupacabra at level 77 by Lililililiilil + FRAG!
58 2022-11-12 05:34:16 Gerber Bagual at level 76 by Nilo and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
57 2022-11-12 05:33:37 B-O N-G at level 60 by La Chilindrina and Wachis On Twitch Too many deaths of this player this day.
57 2022-11-12 05:33:20 Hidden Paralyze at level 98 by Wachis On Twitch + FRAG!
56 2022-11-12 05:29:47 Yagolek at level 83 by Comander Gap and Volcom + FRAG!
55 2022-11-12 05:28:10 Vico Mataruim at level 70 by Limpiame El Culo + FRAG!
54 2022-11-12 05:26:30 Abdullah Bin Abbud at level 72 by Peiin and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
53 2022-11-12 05:24:51 Sheik Ianziin at level 99 by Shyto and Thi + FRAG!
52 2022-11-12 05:19:00 Dgg at level 68 by Peiin + FRAG!
51 2022-11-12 05:15:54 Gerber Bagual at level 78 by La Chilindrina and Nilo + FRAG!
50 2022-11-12 05:14:58 Dgg at level 70 by Meu Deus and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
49 2022-11-12 05:14:18 Tebandio at level 68 by Shyto and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
48 2022-11-12 05:14:15 B-O N-G at level 60 by Netza Antrax and Nilo Too many deaths of this player this day.
48 2022-11-12 05:13:28 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 77 by Banana Republic and Shyto + FRAG!
47 2022-11-12 05:12:46 Faz-o-L at level 87 by Thi and Peiin + FRAG!
46 2022-11-12 05:12:26 Black Pearl at level 66 by Shyto + FRAG!
45 2022-11-12 05:09:09 B-O N-G at level 61 by Banana Republic and Holy Druid Too many deaths of this player this day.
45 2022-11-12 05:08:34 Krust at level 81 by Banana Republic + FRAG!
44 2022-11-12 05:06:14 Dgg at level 71 by Volcom + FRAG!
43 2022-11-12 05:05:31 Black Pearl at level 68 by Netza Antrax + FRAG!
42 2022-11-12 05:05:13 Gerber Bagual at level 79 by [D][0]Papi Antrax and Comander Gap + FRAG!
41 2022-11-12 05:04:13 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 77 by Comander Gap and Indiefoxx + FRAG!
40 2022-11-12 05:03:48 Hidden Paralyze at level 101 by Volcom + FRAG!
39 2022-11-12 05:03:42 Dead Matarindo at level 90 by Comander Gap + FRAG!
38 2022-11-12 05:03:37 B-O N-G at level 61 by Wachis On Twitch + FRAG!
37 2022-11-12 05:03:13 Manowar at level 84 by King Shupa and Lililililiilil Too many deaths of this player this day.
37 2022-11-12 05:02:50 Vico Mataruim at level 72 by Netza Antrax and Indiefoxx + FRAG!
36 2022-11-12 04:58:30 B-O N-G at level 62 by Volcom and [D][0]Papi Antrax + FRAG!
35 2022-11-12 04:58:30 Tebandio at level 69 by Comander Gap and Poderoso Chafasorc + FRAG!
34 2022-11-12 04:57:59 Black Pearl at level 69 by [D][0]Ruben Cta + FRAG!
33 2022-11-12 04:57:21 B-O N-G at level 64 by King Shupa and [D][0]Papi Antrax + FRAG!
32 2022-11-12 04:53:25 Manowar at level 85 by Indiefoxx and Holy Druid Too many deaths of this player this day.
32 2022-11-12 04:35:16 Sheik Ianziin at level 100 by Indiefoxx and Volcom + FRAG!
31 2022-11-12 04:35:03 Manowar at level 86 by Netza Antrax and La Chilindrina Too many deaths of this player this day.
31 2022-11-12 04:29:08 Black Pearl at level 73 by Banana Republic and Eldiablo + FRAG!
30 2022-11-12 04:28:54 Manowar at level 86 by Comander Gap and Shyto + FRAG!
29 2022-11-12 04:00:50 Hidden Paralyze at level 102 by King Shupa and La Chilindrina + FRAG!
28 2022-11-12 03:59:31 Cobra Na Sd at level 71 by La Chilindrina and Hot-Jee + FRAG!
27 2022-11-12 03:59:08 Sheik Ianziin at level 101 by La Chilindrina + FRAG!
26 2022-11-12 03:58:29 Dgg at level 70 by Thi and La Muerte + FRAG!
25 2022-11-12 03:57:15 Manowar at level 87 by Thi and King Shupa + FRAG!
24 2022-11-12 03:55:50 Paladinhu at level 82 by Thi + FRAG!
23 2022-11-12 03:50:15 Razvatche at level 77 by Banana Republic and Shyto + FRAG!
22 2022-11-12 03:47:52 Mercy at level 91 by Banana Republic and Thi + FRAG!
21 2022-11-12 03:26:20 Cobra Na Sd at level 72 by Comander Gap + FRAG!
20 2022-11-12 03:25:32 Manowar at level 88 by Metricas Frias + FRAG!
19 2022-11-12 03:20:34 Darksepth Friedchicken at level 78 by La Chilindrina + FRAG!
18 2022-11-12 03:19:25 Krust at level 83 by Shyto and Thi + FRAG!
17 2022-11-12 03:14:15 Manowar at level 89 by Shyto and Banana Republic + FRAG!
16 2022-11-12 03:13:01 Yagolek at level 83 by Banana Republic and Shyto + FRAG!
15 2022-11-12 03:01:19 B-O N-G at level 66 by La Chilindrina + FRAG!
855 days ago
14 2022-11-11 05:37:39 Suricati at level 70 by Meu Deus and [D][0]Papi Antrax + FRAG!
13 2022-11-11 05:37:38 Kurtius Tha Mastah at level 79 by Marria + FRAG!
12 2022-11-11 05:32:44 Kort Comunista at level 95 by Comander Gap and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
11 2022-11-11 05:26:44 King Oxxyz at level 84 by Holy Druid and [D][0]Papi Antrax + FRAG!
10 2022-11-11 05:26:37 Sheik Ianziin at level 97 by Nilo + FRAG!
9 2022-11-11 05:24:03 Magraow at level 75 by Marria and Nilo + FRAG!
8 2022-11-11 05:23:03 Yagolek at level 83 by Marria and [D][0]Papi Antrax + FRAG!
7 2022-11-11 05:22:47 Faz-o-L at level 85 by Nilo and Comander Gap + FRAG!
6 2022-11-11 05:22:23 Kamarada Tuka at level 102 by Marria and Netza Antrax + FRAG!
5 2022-11-11 05:06:23 Trickzera Kakaroto at level 68 by Wachis On Twitch and Nilo + FRAG!
4 2022-11-11 05:03:30 Manowar at level 87 by Sir Pix and Peiin + FRAG!
3 2022-11-11 04:58:41 Hidden Paralyze at level 100 by Holy Druid + FRAG!
2 2022-11-11 04:56:58 Manowar at level 88 by Marria + FRAG!
1 2022-11-11 04:52:22 Rasta Beck at level 83 by Comander Gap and Negro + FRAG!